




Employer-Specific Work Permit Lawyers in North York Helping Foreign Workers

Have you been contacted about a job opportunity in North York, or are you looking to move to North York for temporary employment? Canada has several business immigration options available to immigrant workers, including offering employer-specific work permits.

The employer-specific work permit is the most common work permit in Canada and also among the most restrictive. The work permit allows foreign nationals to come to Canada for employment, provided they have a standing job offer from a Canadian employer. As the name suggests, the work permit is employer specific. Once that job is finished, the work permit is no longer valid. The work permit is unsuitable for any other employer or job position in Canada.

In addition to restricting the employer you are allowed to work for, this work permit is also only good for a limited amount of time. Temporary foreign workers are sometimes brought to Canada to fill job positions, but the country does not want to host them forever.

Despite these restrictions, the employer-specific work permit remains a valuable route for immigrant workers coming to North York. However, getting approval for a work permit can be a challenging task. But that’s why we’re here to help.

Loft Immigration Services, Inc. has years of experience helping foreign nationals coming to North York for employment and improved quality of life. As your counsel, we would be proud to provide our services, resources, and network for long-term, ongoing legal support. The Canadian immigration process can feel needlessly complicated at times, but our experience and drive can help you in the pursuit of your goals. Get in touch with North York attorneys for work visa matters today to schedule your free, no-obligation initial consultation.

Why Do Canadian Employers Look to Hire Immigrant Workers?

Canadian employers will hire from the talent pool of Canadian citizens and permanent residents if the local workforce is available. Sometimes, however, those skilled workers are not available. In such cases, Canadian companies must look beyond national borders and look to hire workers from other countries.

Throughout history, Canadian businesses have welcome immigrant workers to help meet the needs of job openings. Sometimes a business needs a skilled employee to fill a role, and the only workers fit for the job are imports from far-off lands. It’s simply the nature of skill and availability. However, Canada’s laws and worker rights do not make this a simple process, and many considerations must be considered before granting permission to companies looking to import workers from other countries.

Are You Eligible for an Employer-Specific Work Permit in Canada?

Not every job opening is available to immigrant workers in Canada. You must have a certain skill set to qualify for Canadian employment.

Eligible foreign workers may include individuals from the following fields:

What Are the Requirements to Apply for Employer-Specific Work Permits?

Not all immigrant workers are welcome to apply for employer-specific work permits. Certain criteria must be met to apply.

Firstly, the foreign worker must have a job offer from a Canadian employer. A foreign worker is not encouraged to arrive in Canada and look for a job offer, which may result in harsh disappointment. The foreign worker must also have the legal right to travel to Canada with a valid passport or other travel document.

Once you have those two things in hand, you must worry about the other requirements. You must provide proof that you intend to leave Canada once your temporary work permit expires. You must prove that you have the work experience and skills necessary to perform the job you’re hired to do. You must have proper finances to support yourself and your dependents during your time in Canada. And you must provide a certificate from the police that shows you have no criminal record.

Why is it Not Enough that Your Employer Supports Your Hiring?

Even if a Canadian employer vouches for you, an immigration officer still needs to sign off on your application. You might think that so long as you have a job offer from a Canadian company, you are welcome to work in the country. But that’s sadly not the case.

You will need a positive or neutral Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to be permitted to work for your Canadian employer. A LMIA attempts to determine the positive or negative impact that a foreign worker might have on Canada’s economy or workforce. Basically, if Canadian workers are available to do the job, immigration services would rather see the job go to them first.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with North York Work Permit Lawyers Today

Loft Immigration Services Inc is a law firm with skilled lawyers and legal staff devoted to helping immigrants come to Canada for the opportunity and quality of life that our country is known for. Immigrating to Canada can be a complex process with several requirements to meet. But if you have the willpower and patience, then we have the knowledge and experience to help you in pursuit of your goals.

If you have any questions or concerns about employer-specific work permits – or if you would simply like to learn more – our legal team would be happy to provide legal advice. We offer free consultations to all prospective new clients. The consultation comes with no obligation to retain our legal services, so you may consider this a risk-free investment of your time.

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