




Refused & Delayed Application Lawyers in North York Helping Foreign Applicants

Many foreign nationals dream of coming to Canada for the opportunities and benefit the country has come to represent. However, the journey to obtaining a visa or permanent residency is a complicated and drawn-out process. And unfortunately, many hopeful immigrants find their applications either delayed or refused outright.

If this has happened to you, please try not to despair. While your situation is unfortunate, that does not mean that it is insurmountable. If there were errors in your application, you may attempt to reapply. Additionally, there are means by which you can request reconsideration and appeal refusals or potentially speed up delays.

To ensure that your application has a better chance of approval, please consult with our law firm. Loft Immigration Services, Inc. has over a decade of experience assisting clients coming to Canada for employment, education, family, and improved quality of life experiences. Whatever the reason your application was refused or delayed, our North York attorneys experienced in immigration will review your case and offer knowledgeable legal guidance. Together, we will explore the options available to you and determine what is the most optimal means to secure the outcome you are after.

Contact our North York law offices to schedule your free case evaluation today.

What Are Common Reasons for Delayed Applications?

The plain and simple truth is that it can take a long time before your visa application is approved. That said, some visa applications take much longer, and there are reasons why that might be the case.

Common reasons why your visa application might be delayed include:

What Reasons Does Canada Immigration Have for Refusing Applications?

Those whose applications were refused or denied by the Canadian government may be in shock or despair. To better prepare for the possibility of such a denial, we suggest understanding some of the basic reasons why Canada turns away certain applicants.

Common reasons for visa refusals include:

Can You File an Appeal or Request Reconsideration After a Denied Application?

An applicant may request that CIC reconsider their application if they believe that an immigration officer made a mistake. There is no fee for requesting a reconsideration. However, if the flaw was in your application or your personal history and not the officer’s review of the facts, then it is unlikely to change anything.

Alternatively, another option is to petition a judicial review or appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division. These steps can be complicated or potentially costly. It is strongly recommended that you hire legal representation when considering an appeal.

Contact Us to Schedule Your Free Consultation About Your Denied Immigration Application

If your application has been refused or feels like it’s been delayed forever, there are ways to address the problem and potentially secure the visa you want. However, such matters can be complex, especially for those unfamiliar with Canada’s immigration system.

Contact our law firm for assistance requesting reconsideration, filing an appeal, or getting your application out of a snag. Loft Immigration Services Inc has years of experience helping clients achieve their goals and move to Canada for a better life.

Contact our North York office at 647-495-3724 to schedule your free case evaluation.

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